Manners Around Mealtime

Teach your dog to be quiet and patient around mealtimes, without jumping up, begging, barking, etc.

Details About This Class

What is this class for?

Does your dog beg excessively while you are preparing their meal, or your own? Or do you have a dog that is constantly annoying you while you are eating? Then this class can be a game-changer for you! This class can also help with those dogs that counter surf or attempt to steal food from the table. If you are struggling with any nuisance behaviours around food preparation or meals, you can learn some useful tips and tricks from this class.

What Will You (& Your Dog) Learn?

This class is all about teaching your dog alternative behaviours that can rewarded (reinforced), instead of those nuisance behaviours. This class will focus on using positive reinforcement techniques and avoiding punishments for the unwanted behaviours. The key to success is focussing on the desired alternative, and teaching in small increments. You will learn the detailed steps to start training this at home during meal times. You will also learn several general impulse control exercises to practice.

What to bring to class?

Please bring:

  • Your dog on a collar or harness.
  • A flat lead, preferably around 2 metres or less. A flat lead is any lead of a fixed length that doesn’t extend or stretch, and typically made of fabric, rope, leather, etc.
  • A ton of yummy treats that you know your dog loves. We will be using a lot, so best to break them up to small pieces, the size of a peanut or less. One of my favourites is Ziwi Peak, available at most pet shops.
  • A towel or mat, if your dog is used to “go to mat” or “go to bed” or similar.
  • A distraction such as a chew item, if your dog needs help to settle with other dogs nearby. This will be used while the trainer is talking and explaining concepts and directions.

The following are NOT permitted:

  • Check chains (choke chains)
  • Retractable leads (e.g. Flexi-leads)

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Manners Around Mealtime

Upcoming Classes

Manners Around Mealtime

May 12 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Prevent whining, begging, stealing, jumping up when food is being prepared or eaten.


Manners Around Mealtime

June 23 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Prevent whining, begging, stealing, jumping up when food is being prepared or eaten.

Manners Around Mealtime

August 4 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Prevent whining, begging, stealing, jumping up when food is being prepared or eaten.

Class Cost

  • $60 Per Dog
  • 1 Hour Course
  • 2 Family Members Included

Note: Additional family members may join depending on the available space


Rosebery Vet Hospital

Classes are held on location at Rosebery Veterinary Hospital. Please see the addresses and maps below. Classes are strictly limited to 3-8 puppies to ensure a safe and controlled environment while providing individual instruction and learning opportunities for each puppy. Popular classes may be larger, with the addition of other instructors.


Fine Print

Payment required at time of booking. Bookings cancelled more then 24 hours prior to start of class are refunded (minus $5 processing fee). Bookings cancelled less than 24 hours, or no-shows, will not be refunded.

Dogs should be 5 months old, or older. If less than 5 months, please consider puppy school instead.

The class is held indoors, in an enclosed space. The dogs will be in close proximity to each other, and depending on the class may be interacting. If you dog is either extremely social, or extremely anti-social, please contact Mark to see if this learning environment would be suitable for your dog.

Dogs that bark continuously wanting to play, or bark continuously in fear/aggression, can be disruptive and if they are unable to be settled, may have to be separated.