Settling at Cafe, Pub etc

Teach your dog to be quiet and settle while you are at a public venue with other dogs nearby.

What’s Included

Who is this class for?

Do you enjoy taking your dog to the café or pub, but are hesitant because they just can’t seem to settle and are constantly interested in greeting the other dogs or people? This class can help give you some training tips to teach them better behaviour in these environments.

This is best suited to dogs that are already near social maturity (18-24 months old) or older. Puppies are welcome to join, but please realise this activity requires a lot of impulse control, and some puppies may struggle with this just due to their maturity.

Please note, this is NOT for aggressive or reactive dogs that are attempting to repel the other dog nearby. This is also NOT for those dogs that are resource guarding their owners, or the proximity of food. If you are unsure of your dog’s intention, please contact Mark to discuss further before registering for this class.

What will you learn?

You will learn the importance of environmental management, and how to set the stage for your dog to be successful. Mark will explain the do’s and don’ts of using the lead in these situations. We will practice in class, showing you how to help your dog focus on you and ignore those distractions in the distance.

What do you need to bring to class?

  • Your dog should be wearing a well-fitting collar or harness.
  • A flat lead, preferably around 2 metres long.
  • Treats or a chew object to keep them entertained while we are talking.
  • A ton of yummy treats that you know your dog loves. We will be using a lot, so best to break them up to small pieces, the size of a peanut or less. One of my favourites is Ziwi Peak, available at most pet shops.
  • A towel or mat, if your dog is used to “go to mat” or “go to bed” or similar.

The following are NOT permitted:

  • Check chains (choke chains)
  • Prong collars, or any training device designed to cause pain or discomfort to the dog
  • Head halters (e.g. Haltis)
  • Bungy leads
  • Retractable leads (e.g. Flexi-leads)

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Settling at Cafe, Pub etc

Upcoming Classes

Settling at Cafe, Pub, etc

June 2 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Help your dog settle when in a busy public space like a cafe or pub.


Settling at Cafe, Pub, etc

July 14 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Help your dog settle when in a busy public space like a cafe or pub.


Settling at Cafe, Pub, etc

August 25 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Help your dog settle when in a busy public space like a cafe or pub.


Class Cost

  • $60 Per Dog
  • 1 Hour Course
  • 2 Family Members Included

Note: Additional family members may join depending on the available space


Rosebery Vet Hospital

Classes are held on location at Rosebery Veterinary Hospital. Please see the addresses and maps below. Classes are strictly limited to 3-8 puppies to ensure a safe and controlled environment while providing individual instruction and learning opportunities for each puppy. Popular classes may be larger, with the addition of other instructors.


Fine Print

Payment required at time of booking. Bookings cancelled more then 24 hours prior to start of class are refunded (minus $5 processing fee). Bookings cancelled less than 24 hours, or no-shows, will not be refunded.

Dogs should be 5 months old, or older. If less than 5 months, please consider puppy school instead.

The class is held indoors, in an enclosed space. The dogs will be in close proximity to each other, and depending on the class may be interacting. If you dog is either extremely social, or extremely anti-social, please contact Mark to see if this learning environment would be suitable for your dog.

Dogs that bark continuously wanting to play, or bark continuously in fear/aggression, can be disruptive and if they are unable to be settled, may have to be separated.